My "Reason Manifesto" for Creating a Writing Habit

The reason I want to start writing is so I can...

  • Write the book I couldn't find (per the advice of author Austin Kleon)
  • Take advantage of the benefits a writing habit can bring (I keep finding more)
  • Benefit someone else through its exercise (whenever possible)
  • Give voice to my thoughts and ideas (physically, whether by the pen or the key stroke)
  • Share what I find and the story behind it (because everything has a story)
  • Create opportunities for community-making through the sharing of experiences (finding my tribe)
  • Remember more life events after they have long passed (because my memory is short... very short)
  • Use it to stimulate my personal inner (and outer) exploration (which feels adventurous to me)
  • Have a "ticket" to participate in greater things that writing can provide (I'll know them when I see them)
  • Synthesize other areas of interest into the same forum (like an intellectual collage of "found subjects")
  • Become a journalist for my own life (like a collective memoir... or tall tale, not sure which yet)

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